Advanced Robotics and enabling digital Technologies & Systems 4.0

Call For Competition (PDF)

Call For Competition September 22nd, 2018 - Shopping mall Atlantis le Centre, Nantes, France

Overview of the competition

IPIN is pleased to announce the Indoor Localization Competition, which will be held in the course of the IPIN 2018 Conference at the city of Nantes (France). The competition aims at bringing together academic and industrial research communities in order to evaluate different approaches and to address real issues on indoor/urban positioning and navigation in a real opened environment. This year competition takes place at the largest shopping mall in Western France: Atlantis le Centre. The shopping mall contains several wide corridors, open areas, large parking areas, more than 150 shops, more than 30 restaurants, an IKEA furniture store and a supermarket (see the floor plan below). This competition is a unique opportunity to solve remaining issues in your GEO-IOT, Location Based Services or other geolocation applications in a dynamic real environment.

Four competition tracks IPIN 2018

Indoor Localization Competition consists of four independent challenging tracks, including two on-site and two off-site contests, where the accuracy of the competing systems will be evaluated using the “black-box testing” approach on each track. All proposed systems for competition must be self-contained working solutions and the competitors cannot deploy their own infrastructure for positioning purposes in the on-site tracks. The proposed competition tracks in 2018 are:

  • Track 1 "Camera based Positioning (on-site)"
  • Track 2 "Non Camera based Positioning (on-site)"
  • Track 3 "Smartphone based Positioning (off-site)"
  • Track 4 "Foot-Mounted IMU based Positioning (off-site)"

Dedicated sessions at the 2018 IPIN conference (September 24th -27th, 2018) will be scheduled to introduce the details of all competing systems and the final results. If you have any question related to the competition tracks, please contact ipin2018(at)ifsttar.fr for further information.