
Competitor comments

Here are some comments from participants of the 2016 edition:

Viet cuong Ta

Firstly, I would like to thank the organizers team for organizing the competition.
We, the competitors, have a chance to work with a very interesting data.
The published data will become a standard for the work of indoor positioning by smartphone.
I am looking forward to participate on future competitions.

Luis Enrique Díez

This competition is a great opportunity to test real implementations of  positioning systems in a truly realistic environment and to compare them in a fair way. It is really inspiring and encourages you to go back to the lab to keep on improving your system. Moreover, although being a competition, the atmosphere among all the participants was fantastic, sharing ideas and helping each other.

Frank Ebner and Toni Fetzer

It was a very challenging competition and a lot of work. However, testing real implementations in such a complex scenario enables to prove or rethink the used localization approaches. Such events are very important for the research community. In our opinion they recall the main challenge: robust localization in an unknown environment. We like to thank the organizers for their dedication and passion to organize such a great and important event.

Andrew Lee

Thank you for your great effort for this competition.
It was a very special experience for us.