
Competition Tracks & Technical Annexes

September 16-17, 2017 - Conference Hall, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Track 1 "Smartphone-based": The purpose of the on-site competition is to assess and measure the ability of competing systems to accurately identify their position inside a large, public indoor area. Competing system should be engineered or prototypal systems intended to be carried by an actor without impairing her movements. Competitors will be provided a detailed map of the area, while the predefined path followed by the actor will not be disclosed to competitors before the application of the benchmarks and my span multiple buildings. A competing system, while carried by the actor, will continuously communicate real-time estimates of its position to a measurement app provided by IPIN. Final scores will be based on the accuracy of the estimates as measured by the dedicated app.

Track 2 "Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Positioning": The goal of this competition track is to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art PDR solutions worldwide based on the inertial, compass and pressure sensors, etc. It is well known that PDR alone can offer good short to medium-term tracking of the pedestrian, but still the long-term use is quite challenging for many researchers. This track is organized in two reasons: One is to compete each other to identify the topmost approach in this area. The other is to provide an opportunity for common interest group can share the ideas and application areas in near future.

Track 3 "Smartphone-based (off-site)": The goal of this competition is to evaluate the performance of different indoor localization solutions based on the signals available to a smartphone (such as WiFi readings, Inertial measurements, etc..) and received while a person is walking along several regular unmodified multi-floor buildings. This track is done off-site, so all data processing for calibration and evaluation will be done before the celebration of the IPIN conference. The competition teams can calibrate their algorithmic models with several databases containing all kind of sensor readings in a mobile phone and some groundtruth positions. Finally each team will compete using additional database files, but in this case the ground-truth reference is not given and must be estimated by the competitors.

Track 4 "PDR for warehouse picking (off-site)": Data from inertial, pressure and magnetic sensors and BLE data from a smartphone plus picking records from a warehouse management system (WMS) are collected during 3 hours of actual picking work by 8 people carrying a smartphone on their back in a warehouse, with actions including walking, picking and carrying. Competitors obtain sample data and test data to calibrate