
Competition Tracks & Technical Annexes


September 28-29, 2019 - ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy

Track 1 "Smartphone-based": The purpose of this on-site competition track is to assess and measure the ability of competing systems to accurately identify their position inside a large, public indoor area using a hand-held smartphone. Competitors are requested to develop an application (competing app) designed for smartphones (no tablets are allowed). Competitors will be provided with a detailed map of the area, while the predefined reference path used to test the competing systems will not be disclosed to competitors before the competition. An actor will walk along the reference path while holding the smartphone in his hand. The competing app will continuously communicate real-time estimates of its position to a measurement app provided by IPIN organisers. Final scores will be based on the accuracy of the estimates as measured by the measurement app.

Track 2 - "Video based": The actor carries video equipment on the upper part of the body (no Depth, no Lidar), processing is done using smartphone, tablet or laptop carried by the actor.

Track 3 - "Smartphone-based (off-site)": A pedestrian walking under realistic conditions in multi-floor buildings using data provided by a conventional smartphone.

Track 4 - "Foot-mounted IMU-based (off-site)": The goal of this competition is to evaluate how good up-to-date INS algorithm is. Each competitor will be given a dataset logged with PERSY (PEdestrian Reference SYstem).

Track 5 - "xDR in industrial scenarios (off-site)": Practical performance of xDR methods in industrial scenarios: sensor data are measured in actual operations in a restaurant and a factory by Android devices.