
Request to participate in the IPIN competition 2023

This application form is a request to participate in one Track of the IPIN competition 2023. Be sure to read the Call for Competition for general rules and for the specific rules relating to your Track of interest. The application and related documents should be written in English.

If your application is accepted and you pay the registration fee, the data you write in this form will be published on this web site, on the site of the IPIN conference and wherever else the organisers deem appropriate. Your email address will not be published. The long description document will not be published. It is used by the Track chairs for deciding about acceptance of your application.

IMPORTANT: after filling the form and pressing the button at the bottom of the page, you should see a confirmation message to appear under the button. You will get a first confirmation of your application submission by email, usually by the next working day. Your application is then forwarded to the Track chairs, who will contact you to for acceptance of your application.

If you don't see a confirmation message at the bottom of the page, or if you do not receive an application submission confirmation by the next working day, please ask for assistance. If you do not receive an acceptance email from the Track chairs after a couple of working days, please contact them.