Call for Competition
EvAAL-ETRI on-site and off-site Indoor Localization Competition
In conjunction with IPIN 2015
Banff, Alberta, Canada
13-16 October 2015

EvAAL aims at establishing benchmarks and evaluation metrics for comparing Ambient Assisted Living solutions.
EvAAL stands for "evaluating AAL systems through competitive benchmarking". Since 2011 we have organised international competitions on specific aspects of AAL systems, with the long-term goal of evaluating complete AAL systems.
In 2015 we had three tracks in conjunction with the IPIN conference in Banff (CA):
- On-site smartphone-based – 2000$ prize and paid inviation to ETRI
- On-site foot-mounted PDR – 2000$ prize and paid inviation to ETRI
- Off-site Wi-Fi fingerprinting – 500$ worth prize from INIT
For details about the competition see the general description, the results and the presentation.
If you are curious or interested in how EvAAL work, please subscribe to the low-traffic Contest mailing list, where our community shares news and views on the EvAAL competition and where we send announcements.
We are organising the next competition in conjunction with IPIN in Madrid, October 2016.
EvAAL-ETRI on-site and off-site Indoor Localization Competition
In conjunction with IPIN 2015
Banff, Alberta, Canada
13-16 October 2015

EvAAL aims at establishing benchmarks and evaluation metrics for comparing Ambient Assisted Living solutions.
EvAAL stands for "evaluating AAL systems through competitive benchmarking". Since 2011 we have organised international competitions on specific aspects of AAL systems, with the long-term goal of evaluating complete AAL systems.
In 2015 we had three tracks in conjunction with the IPIN conference in Banff (CA):
- On-site smartphone-based – 2000$ prize and paid inviation to ETRI
- On-site foot-mounted PDR – 2000$ prize and paid inviation to ETRI
- Off-site Wi-Fi fingerprinting – 500$ worth prize from INIT
For details about the competition see the general description, the results and the presentation.
If you are curious or interested in how EvAAL work, please subscribe to the low-traffic Contest mailing list, where our community shares news and views on the EvAAL competition and where we send announcements.
We are organising the next competition in conjunction with IPIN in Madrid, October 2016.
EvAAL-ETRI on-site and off-site Indoor Localization Competition
In conjunction with IPIN 2015
Banff, Alberta, Canada
13-16 October 2015
We are pleased to announce the EvAAL Indoor Localization Competition, to be held during the IPIN 2015 Conference. The competition is aimed at bringing together academic and industrial research communities for evaluating different approaches and envisioning new research opportunities in the indoor localization arena, where no accepted standards do yet exist.
The competition will consist of two on-site and one off-site tracks, results will be presented during a dedicated session during the IPIN conference. Prizes will be awarded to the winners.
- Track 1: Smartphone based positioning
- Track 2: Foot-mounted pedestrian dead reckoning positioning
- Track 3: Wi-Fi fingerprinting in large environments (off-site)
For Track 1 "Smartphone based positioning", the competitors can use any sensor available on the smartphones used. For Track 2 "Foot-mounted positioning", the candidates can use MEMS sensors (inertial, compass and pressure sensors); electronic devices such as tablet, notebook, etc. can be used for control and monitoring. For Track 3 "Wi-Fi fingerprinting", the competitors will have access to a large Wi-Fi fingerprint database, to which they will apply their algorithms offline. Data collected from competitors' systems during the on-site tracks at the conference location will be published for the purpose of research and comparison.
The competition will take place during the IPIN conference and the on-site tracks will be sponsored by ETRI, the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute based in Korea. For the on-site tracks, competitors will be given the time to pre-test and setup their solutions prior to the test day, during which the systems will be measured in real-time. For the off-site track, the ground truth will be disclosed during the conference.
Evaluation criteria for the competition, restrictions on the accepted technologies, technical rules to follow and a description of the benchmarks are detailed in the technical annex of this call (to be provided by May). Possible refinements of the annex, also based on participating competitors' comments, will be timely distributed to all participants. The annex will include information such as the site map, the distribution of wireless communication devices and more.
A "competitor" can be any individual or group of individuals working as a single team, associated to a single or a number of organizations. Competitors apply for admission to the competition by providing a short (2 to 4 pages) technical description of their system, including details on algorithms and protocols. The Program Committee will accept or refuse the application in a short time, based on technical feasibility and logistic constraints. In case of acceptance, competitors are invited to submit a paper to the conference. The paper will be subjected to peer review: accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of IPIN 2015. Competitors may choose to not submit a paper, but in any case they are required to make an oral presentation of their system during a dedicated session at the IPIN conference.
Results from the competition and the raw data from the competitors' systems will be published after the competition. Competitors who have submitted a short paper will have the opportunity to submit a full paper containing the competition results. Application by guests, who will have the opportunity to test their systems in the same way as competitors, but whose results will not be disclosed, will be granted on an individual base. One full registration to the conference is required from each competitor or guest system; registration covers the presentation of a paper describing the system.
The winners of the competition will be announced during the conference. ETRI will award a 2000$ prize to the best placed teams of tracks 1 and 2, together with a paid invitation to hold a talk at ETRI (KR). The winner of track 3 will receive a prize worth 500$.
We encourage submissions from both academia and industry (there are no restrictions on the composition of competing teams) with the aim of seeking innovative solutions based on mobile devices and sensors for indoor applications. Please check the conference web site for more information and regular updates on the progress of the competition.
Important dates:
Optional paper submission | 15 September 2015 |
Notification of admission | shortly after request |
The papers are submitted through EDAS site: